Pay with PAYPAL

The e-mail address required below is only for tracking purposes.  If you have an e-mail address on file with Silverado Days, please use that one so your payment will be properly credited to your account (note: it may be different than the e-mail address you use with PayPal).

  Payment Amount:


If you are paying for the Silverado Ball please insert the same email you used to fill out the Silverado Ball form and type in the payment amount that corresponds with how many seats you would like to purchase (see below) then click PAY NOW. If you have not filled out the Silverado Ball Form please do so by clicking here

1 seat ($60 per ticket / $60 total)

2 seats ($60 per ticket / $120 total)

3 seats ($60 per ticket / $180 total)

4 seats ($60 per ticket / $240 total)

5 seats ($60 per ticket / $300 total)

6 seats ($60 per ticket / $360 total)

7 seats ($60 per ticket / $420 total)

8 seats ($60 per ticket / $480 total)

9 seats ($60 per ticket / $540 total)

10 seats (1 full table, $60 per ticket / $600 total)

And so on!